Value Chain Management: inventory and optimisation

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The guiding principle of Transfer Pricing is Value Chain Management and thorough functional analysis. This involves charting a number (potentially hundreds) of diverse internal transactions. Where necessary, we also make use of supporting technology in our analysis.

Value Chain Management is a complex process

How do you ensure that you can carry out a worthwhile value chain analysis? And how, on the basis thereof, do you assign value to business units which are involved in the internal transactions between the various branches? This can only be done with a sound knowledge of the relevant sectors. This is followed by Improvement of the Value Chain and the Transfer Pricing policy. A complex process, where feasibility and realism are important factors.

Our Value Chain Analysis is BEPS-proof

The emergence of BEPS in 2015 was the reason that KPMG Global Transfer Pricing Services (GTPS) decided, while taking its own approach, to make its Value Chain Analysis (VCA) BEPS-proof. Since then, our VCA method has become more fundamental to our Transfer Pricing analyses. VCA has by now proven effective in several businesses, be it for the purpose of centralisation, reorganisation, M&A, business shutdown, restructuring or the internal transfer of intellectual property.

Want more information about Value Chain Management?

If you would like more information about Value Chain Management, Meijburg & Co would be pleased to discuss this with you.

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and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee.
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