Do you need assistance with the VAT of your business? Or is your company looking for a good partner in the VAT field? Read more about what Meijburg & Co can offer in terms of VAT advice.


VAT: every business pays or receives it when buying and selling goods and services. For many businesses, VAT rules are not a problem. Therefore, extensive specialist assistance is generally unnecessary for VAT. However, there are many special circumstances and exceptions regarding VAT regulations. In such cases, Meijburg & Co are here to provide you with expert advice.

Difficulties concerning VAT

During VAT audits, the many special circumstances and exceptions concerning VAT often receive most attention. An example of such a complicated situation is when your business involves many purchase and sale transactions. When such is the case in conjunction with a complex, cross-border supply chain, then it is difficult to satisfy the variety of legislation where VAT is concerned. Moreover, it is also a major challenge to set up the ERP system architecture satisfactorily.

Meijburg & Co and VAT

Meijburg & Co has many in-house VAT professionals. These specialists are committed full-time to working with VAT. We provide the following VAT-related services:

  • General VAT planning, both domestic and cross-border.
  • Advice on complex transactions, such as mergers, acquisitions and the restructuring of activities.
  • Litigation, both domestic and at the Court of Justice of the European Union.
  • Support during tax audits.
  • Negotiations with the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration.
  • Provision of second opinions.
  • Due diligence investigations.
  • Provision of tools, e.g. for data analysis.
  • Compliance activities, including the outsourcing of tax returns.
  • An ERP system check: is your ERP system set up correctly? If not, we will advise you on and assist you with a new or improved ERP system. We can do this for various market segments such as property, non-profit, software, leasing and financial services.

Need advice on VAT?

As mentioned, our professionals are committed full-time to the issues surrounding VAT. In combination with our substantial VAT department, this ensures a superior level of knowledge and experience in the field of VAT. In addition, we work closely together with our VAT colleagues at KPMG offices internationally. This guarantees that we are also ideally positioned to provide you with the most efficient advice on international matters.

Do you need assistance with the VAT of your business? Is your company looking for a good partner in the VAT field? Our specialists are here to help.

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Seminar - US/EU trade tariffs and their impact for EU companies


Roundtable - Round table on EU and US Export Controls and Sanctions

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