EU Green Deal

The EU Green Deal is an ambitious set of policy initiatives by the European Commission aimed at making Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The plan was presented by the European Commission in December 2019 and includes a wide range of measures aimed at promoting sustainable economic growth, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and protecting the environment.

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Objectives of the EU Green Deal 

The EU Green Deal has several core objectives aimed at transforming the European economy and making it more sustainable."


Climate neutrality by 2050

The main goal of the Green Deal is to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions to zero, making Europe the first climate-neutral continent. 


Decoupling economic growth from resource use

The Green Deal aims to achieve economic growth without an increase in the use of natural resources. This means a shift to a circular economy where products and materials remain in use longer and waste is minimized.


Protection of biodiversity and ecosystems

 Preserving and restoring biodiversity and ecosystems is an important part of the Green Deal. This includes measures to protect nature, improve the quality of water and air, and ensure the health of soil and seas.

Key initiatives and policies 

Fit for 55 package 

On July 14, 2021, the European Commission presented its so-called Fit for 55 package. This package contains several ambitious climate goals. The following climate goals describe a clear aim to achieve a green (and digital) transition by 2030, both in the EU as a whole and in the individual member states:

  • reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990;
  • a share of renewable energy in the energy mix of more than 32% by 2030;
  • increase in energy efficiency by at least 32.5%.

The EU Green Deal includes a wide range of initiatives and policies aimed at various sectors of the economy:




Promotion of renewable energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency. This includes investments in wind and solar energy, as well as measures to make buildings more energy-efficient.



Support for the transition to a circular economy through recycling and reuse of materials. This also includes promoting innovation and the use of clean technologies in the industry.



Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector by promoting electric vehicles, improving public transport, and developing sustainable fuels.

Landbouw en voedsel

Agriculture and food

Implementation of sustainable agricultural practices and reduction of the environmental impact of food production. This also includes measures to reduce food waste and ensure food security."

Need fiscal advice on the EU Green Deal? 

To future-proof business activities, we advise companies to implement clear and actionable transition strategies now. Our advisors have the expertise to guide the company through this process. We also gladly advise on the interaction between the various aspects of the European Green Deal and the Fit for 55 package, along with assessing any fiscal risks and exploring potential financing and incentive opportunities. Contact us for advice.

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