Tax Controversy & Litigation

OECD: MAP statistics for 2022 - The Netherlands is a winner

On November 14, 2023 the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published statistics on Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAPs) in 133 jurisdictions. The OECD commended successful tax ...

Conclusie A-G Wattel over de Wet rechtsherstel box 3

Uiteindelijk is het aan de Hoge Raad om te beslissen of met de Wet rechtsherstel box 3 voldoende rechtsherstel wordt geboden. Advocaat-generaal Wattel meent in ieder geval van niet.

Tax Controversy & Amount B: more uncertainty?

What is the potential impact on your organization in terms of Tax Controversy and Tax Dispute management if in January 2024 other prices for baseline marketing and distribution activities were to fall ...

Amendment ruling policy

On July 6, 2023 a letter was sent to the Lower House of Parliament in which the Deputy Minister of Finance announced that he intends to amend / relax the ruling policy as of the beginning of October 2 ...

Don’t always pursue a ruling, but always consider one

Where the ruling practice used to be seen as a fundamental pillar of the Dutch business climate, the Dutch tax authorities now describe preliminary consultation as ‘an important element of its monitor ...

Legal protection under Pillar II - or more to the point: the absence of it

As of 2024, the Pillar 2 rules will become a reality within the EU and other jurisdictions worldwide. Under Pillar 2, the Global Anti-Base Erosion (GloBE) rules ensure that large multinational enterpr ...

Aldo Mariani appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

Aldo Mariani has been appointed as Head of Global Tax Dispute Resolution and Controversy Services network

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