Transfer Pricing in the Corona Pandemic Disruption Era - an article by our experts

May 20, 2020

Transfer pricing in times of crisis

The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has been swift and unpredictable. The full Covid-19 impact is yet to be known but is already significant. The resulting global business and economic disruptions could directly impact the transfer prices of multinational enterprises (MNEs). Therefore, reconsideration of your transfer pricing policies may be required. In the short-term liquidity and cash management are key issues for MNEs. KPMG Meijburg Transfer Pricing experts Dianne Berry, Marcus Chadderton and Eduard Sporken wrote an article when the crisis was just unfolding in Europe about the possible Transfer Pricing items to consider in terms of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.

You can read the full article on

Are you wondering how companies have been and are dealing with their Transfer Pricing in the Covid-19 crisis?

On 11 June 2020 KPMG Meijburg is hosting a webcast to guide you through our first experiences and elaborate on what other MNEs are doing. In addition, we will provide you with key attention points when assessing what steps you can consider in your company.

Please click here to register for our Webcast 'Transfer Pricing in times of crisis.'

Unable to attend our webcast?

Please contact one of our experts to help you with any questions regarding your transfer pricing policy during times of crisis.

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