Tax Controversy & Litigation is expanding!
Our team of specialists has extensive experience with and in-depth knowledge of both the procedural and substantive aspects of tax law. We work with our own personal income tax, corporate income tax, transfer pricing, VAT and Customs specialists in order to ensure that when it comes to litigation we have the right facts and substantive arguments at hand.
With this practice group we pool the services we provide to clients with regard to audits, notice of objection and appeal proceedings, MAPs and other forms of mediation or arbitration.
That lawyers play a crucial role in tax disputes is beyond question. Therefore, our team is not only made up of experienced tax professionals but also of lawyers.
We also join forces with 450 KPMG professionals from our global network across 88 countries.
In consultation with our client, we thus choose the most appropriate approach to take in tax disputes.
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Interviews over actuele Controversy thema’s
Onze specialisten aan het woord

What do our Tax Controversy specialists do? Read the interviews here! (NL)

Key considerations regarding the EU Arbitration Directive